languaes I know |
Assembly languages
The assembly is the programming language.
Anything else just makes things more complicated. But when you use
assembly, everyhing is simple and clear. All instructions do exactly what
they have to do, so you can be sure that 2+2 is 4.
In other languages you always have to check it. Sometimes it's 5. :-)
Intel 8080/8085 family
Zilog Z80 family
Motorola 68000 family
PIC microcontroller family
Intel 80x86/Pentium family real mode 16 bits
Intel 80x86/Pentium family protected mode 32 bits
Other programming languages
Pascal, Borland Pascal, Free Pascal, Delphi
Visual Basic (Visual studio 6. Visual Basic .NET, ASP)
C/C++, Microsoft .NET C# (C-sharp)
Perl, nowadays it's a huge overcomplicated beast, but still, one
of the best scriping language
Basic (yes, it's a programming language belive or not)
UNIX shells
PHP, another good scripting language, designed for webpages. Powerful.
HTML (this is not a language, though)
VHDL for FPGA design. I use the old schematic based method, too.