More personal stuff

An 8bit classic computer Primo emulator Hungarian page

Bomber Dash: A simple old style game (VC++, DirectX8)

DisplayTech 204B LCD display programming via the LPT port (in DOS) Hungarian page

A pretty ZX Spectrum emulator with source code.

Open Source PRIMO emulator, uses the same Z80 CORE emulation as the previous Spectrum emulator does.

Z80 monitor for Windows 1.0, a freeware machine code monitor for Z80 codes (a short manual in HTML format included). See some screenshots: pic #1 pic #2 pic #3

A remake of the great old game, Chuckie Eggs: Chuckie The game is developed under DOS, but it runs with DOSBOX or native XP as well. Complete source is included.

A remake of the first video game, PONG: PONG The game is developed under DOS, but it runs with DOSBOX or native XP as well. Complete source is included.